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Jim Hooper
Jim Hooper
Several years ago, I put together a team of the world's best board-certified physicians, Scientists & MD's each a specialist in anti-aging medical treatments, to create a state of the art procedure the Butterfly Facelift with Ultherapy!
As a former professional athlete, I've had my fair share of health problems, and I can't say I'm a stranger to aging, either. Before I began sharing my secrets at Butterfly Facelift with Ultherapy, I was in pursuit of natural and legitimate remedies to restore the youthful look back to my face.
What I found was that there really seemed to be no non-toxic, natural based, rejuvenate remedies that didn't involve surgery. I began working with some of southern California's top anti-aging medical professionals and scientists, and ultimately invented the breakthrough Butterfly Facelift with Ultherapy. Once I was able to see how much the health and happiness of my clients improved, I knew I had to make this my life's work.
Sun damage, pollution, smoking, drinking, drug addiction and other toxins cause unnatural aging to occur. What we accomplish at Butterfly Facelift with Ultherapy is the restoration our patients closer to the vision in which they were created, by offering all-natural procedures to reverse the aging process.
CFO & Founder
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